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Farm Gate Produce

We’re passionate about growing healthy food and champion local produce. The below is a taste of some of what we produce on Lockerley Estate throughout the season.

If you are a local business and would like to enquire about our wholesale products please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Free range Eggs
The Veg Shed
Flour grown to regenrative farming principles
Image by Cristiano Pinto

Free Range Eggs

50 free range chickens at Manor Farm - truly local!


Hampshire flour grown to regenerative farming principles.

We have Self Raising, Plain, Wholemeal, and Strong White available


Wild venison from Lockerley Estate

Fruit & Veg

All our home grown fruit and vegetables are ecologically produced & harvested by hand to ensure it’s as fresh & nutritious as it possibly can be

Christmas trees
Image by pintando la luz
108 The Bakery

Christmas Trees

Fresh Cut Norway Spruce Christmas Trees grown on Lockerley Estate. Available in December


Estate grown flowers available during Spring and Summer months

Fresh Herbs

Our home grown herbs are available potted or by the bunch


108 The Bakery makes amazing sourdough using Lockerley flour in their blend

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